Make Money Blogging

Created by Mark Francis | 8:28 AM | 1 comments »

Everyone love making money , but today i'd like to discuss on blogging , reason is it's the easiest and best way to make money . This is'nt really a blog which i profit from i mainly make money online using my main blog which gets a ton of traffic but enough of that , back to making money blogging .

Firstly , you can make money by selling adspace on your blog , paper click ads , pay per impression , pay per review and selling text links . Now the best if you want fixed income would be getting sponsors a.k.a selling adspace and also selling text link . For those who are new to blogging , you can't expect a fixed income at first i recommend you start with pay per click and pay per review it's how I started .

OKay , so to make money blogging you can't just type and leave your blog there . If you ever want to profit , you have to promote it and build links , make it rank high in search engines . That's basically how you start , but all the making money ways when blogging , i want you to start by using adsense and reviews than also add continue with selling adspace and getting sponsors and selling text link . Before you know it , you'll be making thousands .

WHy didn't i recommend pay per impression ? because your never going to profit from it unless your doing proxies but we are talking on blogging here . Unless you actually manage to make your reader so interested they go through almost all the pages of your blog , your never going to make money from impressions . I'll be introducing you to some great companies and better guides in my next post .


  1. Anonymous // February 11, 2009 at 3:53 AM  

    "A blog can earn money" a very few people knows this, and people even dont believe that money can be earned by internet directly from the home via
    affiliated marketing.