Make Money the google trends methos

Created by Mark Francis | 12:13 AM | 0 comments »

This gives me a form with a constant revenue every day and there are no signs of stopping. People are always in the investigation of news and the latest news. Google Trends list of the top 100 searches and updates daily. How can I help? Well, you can use this valuable resource and use that provide excellent content of your blog.

Wordpress install on your blog and make sure you have a decent ping list. Sign up for feedburner and his WordPress plugin. Go to Google Trends and select the top ten searches for the day and follow the links to the source. Whether it is CNN, MSNBC, whatever. Copy the article and go to an online translator. Translate the article from English to Spanish, and Spanish into English. This gives unique content. Some words are lost in translation, in order to go on the article and change things around so it is legible.

Google Trends publishes not only the first keyword, but the other keywords associated with it.

Use this keyword in your office if you can, but do not forget to add these as "tags" in his post wordpress. They are already set to eat, so you just copy and paste.

Look at the traffic roll in check with your blog at the top a few searches on Google search for "knot" or what is the key word. Get the traffic you need to gain exposure to your ads, PPC, PPA.

It is a simple way to make money with a blog normal with what is seen as unique content for the entire world that matters. It is even pass Copyscape.